Lot of unexpected transitions in life.How fast the time is going?
I remember reading The Alchemist" for the first time a few years ago. I did not know what is the contents inside it initially."When you want something,all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.When someone makes a decision,he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.In everybody's life,two things which are most important are luck and coincidence.People need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want.If you can concentrate always on the present,you will be a happy man.Eat when its time to eat.And move along ,when its time to move along........".I tried to understand the meaning of this sentences again and again.Still i am remembering the day which me, achachan and jeo sat on the coat and discuss about the book or quotes which we like most.Initially jeo describe about the book he read.Then its my chnace.The words in the "Alchemist" come out.I just described the story.Still i'm remembering the happiest face of jeo and achachan.Yes...I also can give a speech.I got confidence.My each and every step in my life was completely visble just one year before.But suddenly everything got shuffled.Its going to be one year.But still ,the flash memories in my mind is giving me strength and getting a feeling that "He is here itself..."..."In all our needs.."..."He is acting so smartly...Giving a lot of blessings from God.....In really an amazing way in which no one can describe..."
Like a funeral procession passing by my window on a calm evening, I watched it go by. I looked up from the book to reassure myself that everything was alright.One more spirit is escaping from this world(may be this cruel world or colourful world)..It depends on the spirit..Yes...that spirit is also going to meet him..God..How you made this world in most wonderful way?
I remember reading The Alchemist" for the first time a few years ago. I did not know what is the contents inside it initially."When you want something,all the universe conspires to help you achieve it.When someone makes a decision,he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.In everybody's life,two things which are most important are luck and coincidence.People need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want.If you can concentrate always on the present,you will be a happy man.Eat when its time to eat.And move along ,when its time to move along........".I tried to understand the meaning of this sentences again and again.Still i am remembering the day which me, achachan and jeo sat on the coat and discuss about the book or quotes which we like most.Initially jeo describe about the book he read.Then its my chnace.The words in the "Alchemist" come out.I just described the story.Still i'm remembering the happiest face of jeo and achachan.Yes...I also can give a speech.I got confidence.My each and every step in my life was completely visble just one year before.But suddenly everything got shuffled.Its going to be one year.But still ,the flash memories in my mind is giving me strength and getting a feeling that "He is here itself..."..."In all our needs.."..."He is acting so smartly...Giving a lot of blessings from God.....In really an amazing way in which no one can describe..."
Like a funeral procession passing by my window on a calm evening, I watched it go by. I looked up from the book to reassure myself that everything was alright.One more spirit is escaping from this world(may be this cruel world or colourful world)..It depends on the spirit..Yes...that spirit is also going to meet him..God..How you made this world in most wonderful way?