Long 2 years of gap. But I wanted to write something today
at any cost .But my mind is obscure or
obfuscates or equivocate or unclear
or uncertain what exactly to scribble.
Another new phase of life started a few months ago just
because of my God's grace. I felt myself so fortuitous which is a truth as it’s harder to reach the American
dream so easily for so many people. Even though a great dichotomy happened in my life, I strongly believe my jeo is a harbinger to make our way ascertain. I used to feel his preternatural or superficial presence
which is lasting or enduring as well
as which gives bolster or (Support
and strengthen) morale to support for a brisk life.
I am proud of my Al, as he is the one who makes me to be
optimistic in life. I used to be cynical
most of the times with apathy or
absent minded and used to sham or dissemble or bogus as if I am happy. Later I felt myself absurd of what I am doing. We should be expressive. If we are sad,
cry until our mental emotions become calm. If we are happy, laugh till our
stomach bursts. This great lesson in my life helped me to ameliorate or diminishes
my excruciation or agony to an
I would like to improvise
or extemporize or elaborate without preparation more about my US life as it is so fresh. You can sense more rife or frequent occurrence of my
little champ Aadi here. He
was reluctant to relinquish or free involvement in the group
of people during his starting days here. As time goes by, his tone and rhetoric increases and it made me more
confident that his plastic or malleable
mind can mold into any desirable shape.