Friday, November 06, 2009

Just two thoughts....

Is your life successful?

What is success? Most people would define success in terms of achieving goals, acquiring wealth, and having prestige, favor, status, and power. "Successful" people enjoy the "good life" - being financially secure, emotionally secure, being surrounded by admirers, and enjoying the fruits of their labor. Their example is emulated and their accomplishments are noticed. Most people's definitions of success only deal with the "here and now" of this life. Even in many churches today the definition of their success is in terms of numbers and size and dollars and prestige.

How God measures Success

Success is measured and defined differently by God. God's measure of success involves ourobedience and faithfulness to Him, regardless of opposition and personal cost. His measure of success is whether or not we are being loyal to Him in our personal relationship with Him and in our life, and whether we are accomplishing His goals and purposes for our life.

1 comment:

Destiny's child... said...

I measure success by happiness. Nice post :)

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